Wednesday, October 12, 2016

10/10/2016 - Allan Holender and Boomer Public Radio

 Slow Living Radio is thrilled to welcome veteran radio broadcaster and creator of Boomer Public Radio, Allan Holender to talk about his life on the waves, as a journalist and author, and Zentrepreneurism.


"To be seventy years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old". - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

As a leadership and team-building trainer, Allan Holender has  developed and delivered programs to colleges, universities, hospitals, and the corporate world. He has mentored entrepreneurs, CEOs, and senior management from some of North America’s top-ranked companies. He was also a business commentator in Canada and the United States, having hosted a nationally syndicated business radio show on the Talk America radio network. For five years, He was the Chief Community Officer for the Let's Talk Business Network. It was a support community for entrepreneurs, CEO's, Business Owners and Free Agents. Allan facilitated Executive Mastermind Groups, Peer to Peer Mentoring, One On One Coaching and Professional Development Workshops. He was the Executive Director of Big Brothers of Burnaby. He's also been the Director of Development with both the University of British Columbia and the University of Alberta, where he led a team to successfully  complete the final phase of a 37 million dollar capital campaign.

Allan was also the Founding Part-Owner of Radio Station CISL 650 (South Fraser Broadcasting) in Richmond B.C. Helped secure the CRTC license and is the Founding President of two professional Fund Raising Associations in BC and Alberta. He founded a company specializing in setting up Charitable Foundations and Planned Gifting through wills, bequests, and gifts in kind, property and life insurance. and  was retained by the BC Health Association to conduct a comprehensive development study of all hospitals and health care institutions in the province and developed a Hospital Foundation and Planned Giving Manual to assist hospitals and health care institutions throughout the province in establishing foundations and planned giving programs
Allan has been a serial entrepreneur for the past 20 years and has written a book on the new world of business, called Zentrepreneurism, where it's the blended bottom line that is important. His daily mantra is passion, purpose and profits with integrity. He has a Bachelor of Arts Degree and Masters Studies is in Sociology.

Allan  was retained a few years ago by the University of British Columbia  as a Management Consultant to complete a development study to determine the feasibility of building and operating a world’s best Centre for Sport Medicine and Exercise Science within UBC.He was also the CEO of The Centre For Business Excellence. The Centre was devoted to balancing the quest for profits with quality and superior people development.  CBE offered highly focused and unique programs that educated inspired and empowered Executives, Entrepreneurs and Business Owners to reach new levels of success in business and in life.  The Centre, under the auspices of Dale Carnegie Training strived to develop strategic alliances and partnership with those who recognized the value of advanced education for entrepreneurs and corporate leaders.

Allan has  been a champion for business through his contributions in radio, television and writing and was a contributing business writer for the Vancouver Sun, Profit Magazine, , The Home Business Journal and Yaletown News.
Allan  was a Guest Expert/Contributor to the BCTV television Weekend News and :

· Co-Founder, President, Executive Producer, Conscious Planet Radio Network
· Founder, Media On Tap Radio Network. 
· Host & Co-Producer, “ZenBiz Radio” on Voice America
· Host & Producer of a Vancouver Business Radio Show “BizTalk Radio” on CISL 650
· Host & Producer of the “HomeBiz Minute” on 400 U.S. affiliated stations coast to coast and 200 Canadian stations on Talk America and CHUM Radio Network
· Host & Producer of a Nationally syndicated business talk show on TALK America Radio Network
· Host & Producer of Canada’s first radio show dedicated to home business entrepreneurs, the  “HomeBiz Show” on CFUN 1410 in Vancouver

His  community and professional leadership spans 43 years. Including; Past Director, South Fraser Broadcasting, Richmond B.C., Past Chairman, Community Advisory Board, Radio Station C-ISL 650, Richmond, B.C.,Past Chairman, Educational Division, United Way, Edmonton, Alberta, Past Board Member, Northern Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation, Edmonton, Alberta,Past Board Member, Edmonton Concert Hall Foundation, Edmonton, Alberta, Guest Speaker and Panel Member for UBC Enterprise Conference, UBC Sauder School of Business, Mentor, UBC Sauder School of Business, Founding President, Association of Fund Raising Professionals of B.C. (NSFRE), Founding President, Alberta Association of Fund Raising Executives, Past Board Member,  Council for Advancement and Support of Education (C.A.S.E),  Pacific Northwest

Allan has a 40 year history in the radio broadcasting industry as an owner of terrestrial and online radio stations and is  developing a syndicated infotainment national radio network called Boomer Public Radio for Boomers and Beyond.  He will be producing and hosting a national radio podcast, and is inviting your participation."There is a huge untapped niche in the marketplace for programs geared to the 60-90 year old listeners who remember the "magic" of radio and grew up in a time when radio was king", says Holender. "As a veteran broadcaster from that era I hope I can bring the credibility and the voice from the soundtrack of their lives. 

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