Thursday, February 19, 2015

02/16/2015 - A Global Whisky Discovery and Spring Mixing!

Slow Living Radio uncovers the intriguing world of Whisky with Paul Martin and Aaron Lahey of Napa Valley Distillery, while finding some great ideas for cocktails in Spring.


Family owned and operated by Arthur and Lusine Hartunian, Napa Valley Distillery was founded on one basic principal - Make it different! Our creativity is driven by two questions.
Why and Why not?
Why.. as in why do the same as others?
Why in why not make it different?

Paul Martin
Tasting Room Manager/Brand Ambassador
with Aaron Lahey, Mixologist
Napa Valley Distillery

Paul had been enjoying “mixed” beverages since 2001, but it wasn’t until 2008 that he learned the difference between good and bad “booze” and became “intoxicated” with the industry.  Working his way through all aspects, from tour guide, to production, bottling, tasting room management, and of course, mixing, Paul has an acute sense of  the defining levels of many spirits including vodka, gin, brandy, tequila, rum, whiskey, absinthe, liquor, and the accompanying world of bitters.
Leading the tasting room of Napa Valley Distillery, Paul is often seen guiding large groups through a more extensive selection of beverages than one would ever see in a wine tasting room.  One could wonder whether his goal was to educate or inebriate?


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