Tuesday, March 5, 2013

03/05 - The Wine and Food Paradox - A Conversation with Tim Hanni MW

Slow Living Radio is thrilled to welcome back Tim Hanni, MW to discuss his new book, "Why You Like the Wine You Like, Changing the Way the World Thinks About Wine".  You'll be set free by his challenging of commonly held beliefs and rules surrounding wine and food pleasure, pairing and individuality.  He's irreverant, extremely knowledgeable and delightfully entertaining.  We also welcome Sasha Paulsen, food writer for the Napa Register who helped translate some of his thoughts to print, and hear how her life changed in the process.

Why You Like the Wines You Like: Changing the way the world thinks about wine

New insights about your personal wine preferences, how to find and enjoy wines on your terms and how to match wine to the diner, not the dinner.

  • Understanding how our unique combination of perceptive sensitivity combined with the neurological factors of life experiences and learning determine everyone’s personal wine preferences.
  • How consumers can truly become more confident and demand that the wine industry understand and custom tailor wine recommendations.
  • How the industry can apply and benefit from this new way of understanding and catering to consumers.
  • Learn about the increasing movement to “match the wine to the diner, not the dinner.”

About Tim Hanni, MW

Tim Hanni MW is an internationally recognized wine expert and professionally trained chef. He is one of two Americans to first earn the title Master of Wine and is recognized around the globe for his groundbreaking “Vinotyping” – making wine drinkers more confident about their personal wine preferences.  The concepts in his new book will enable wine producers, marketers, restaurateurs and retailers to tailor wine recommendations for their customers.  Well-guided, confidents consumers are the foundation of a healthier and more vibrant wine community.:

And some reviews....

“I have spent many hours with Tim wrestling with some of his ideas while they were still in the formative stage. It was both an exhilarating and an exhaustive experience. With a broad and deep knowledge of wine and food history as well as their complexities, he is not afraid to challenge the way things are done and suggest alternatives. He’s not dogmatic in his beliefs, but he demands that conventional thinkers think again. You may not agree with all his conclusions, but I promise he will make you think.”

George Taber, author of the bestseller The Judgment of Paris and A Guide to Bargain Wines and former correspondent and editor for Time magazine

"I have to say, I was incredibly excited when Tim Hanni announced he was releasing a book on his work related to wine preferences and out-dated “trends” in the wine industry. Ever since I met Tim over a year ago at a seminar held in the Monticello AVA region of Virginia, I was convinced that the traditional wine and food pairing “rules” were not, in reality, appropriate for who we actually taste and how each individual perceives and enjoys particular flavors and characteristics of wines. In fact, I’ve been preaching this message quite frequently in the tasting room when I’m pouring, and I have to say people are very receptive and thrilled with the new ideas."

 "I could go on and on about the different points and topics in Why You Like The Wines You Like by Tim Hanni, but then I’d pretty much be re-writing the book and that’d be silly (and well, kind of illegal). Instead, you should read the book for yourself! Why You Like The Wines You Like should be REQUIRED reading for everyone who loves wine, or who thinks they might love wine if only they didn’t feel pressured or embarrassed to steer clear of their favorites. This book has several fun do-it-yourself exercises that will help further convince you that wine and food pairing shouldn’t be about certain rules per se, but should be all about the individual consumer and what types of wines they actually like and would prefer to drink."

vin-o-type, n =
The combination of sensory sensitivity, values and aspirations that contribute to your unique and personal wine preferences... In short, why you like what you like!
Do Tim Hanni's quick quiz to see what Vinotype you are, and get on your way to the New Wine Fundamentals!

Sasha Paulsen,
Sasha Paulsen grew up in Napa, and after graduating from Napa High School, left to attend UC Berkeley. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in English and a Masters in Journalism from the Cal Graduate School of Journalism. Following her studies, Sasha lived in Paris, Munich and Boston before returning to raise her two children in her hometown. She has been features editor, in charge of food, wine and arts coverage for the Napa Valley Register, since 1999.

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