Tuesday, July 17, 2012

07/17 - CARING: Our Minds, Our Bodies, Our Food & Farms

Gibson Thomas
Editor–in-Chief and Founder
Edible Marin and Wine Country Magazine

Gibson Thomas grew up in the South and only made her way to Northern California 13 years ago.  A “reformed” attorney and a mother of a 9 year old son, she was the leader of the Slow Food chapter in Marin County and Petaluma for eight years before starting Edible Marin & Wine Country.  Through Slow Food, Gibson became friends with many of the extraordinary food producers in Marin County and longed for a way to turn her mission to help spread the word about these amazing folks into a vocation.  She found a way to do that through Edible Marin and Wine Country, a quarterly magazine that celebrates the edible (and drinkable!) bounty of Marin, Napa and Sonoma counties.  The magazine just celebrated its third anniversary and is available in print, online in the digital version and in our app for the iPad.  She is also the host of The Drink Tank on edibleRADIO (www.edibleradio.com). 

Wil Anderson

Wil Anderson is a leading consultant in the Body/mind field serving a wide audience across the globe. He has appeared in the Master Level Psychocalisthenics DVD by Oscar Ichazo and has just released a new relaxation CD, Balance Point Relaxation. He has helped individuals and groups needing an accelerated method for total health that creates a change in 15 minutes. For over twenty years he owned and operated the Veranda Club Spa in Yountville. Wil is in collaboration with other leading health specialist integrating movement, body awareness techniques, theories on the nature of the unity, and designing movement/philosophy curriculum for schools. His years spent in the Napa Valley have also included time spent supporting Non-profits reach their stated goals.

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