Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Proudy brought to you by Complexity: representing 21 of New Zealand’s great wineries, 8 wine regions and 59 fine wines.  The wines showcase the diverse nature of each region, which you can discover by going to http://www.complexity.co.nz/ and clicking on a region.


(Northern region of South Island)
Nautilus Estate

Clive Jones
Winemaker and winery manager

"Marlborough is really the heart of the New Zealand wine industry and what a great place to bring up a family".  Clive Jones originally trained as a chemist before being drawn to the wine industry. He completed a Wine Science degree from Charles Sturt University, and worked with Selaks Wines prior to joining Nautilus in August 1998.

Clive is leading Nautilus' two key projects.  The first is the clonal and vineyard block designated Pinot Noir Program followed by the intense viti-focus of the Serious Sauvignon Program.  Together, these projects are putting Nautilus at the forefront of New Zealand's wine industry.

On Pinot Noir, Clive's program has involved clonal research, trialing and international benchmarking, traveling to Oregan for a Pinot Noir study trip and to Burgundy to work a vintage at Domaine Dujac.

On Sauvignon Blanc, Clive's passion for the distinctive Marlborough characteristics leads the way for developmental dialog on style differences and bottle development.  He refers to to signature styles: Nouveau Sauvignon Blanc vs "Serious" Sauvignon Blance. 

(Northern region of North Island)

Kumeu River Winery
Michael Brajkovich, MW. ; B.App.Sc.Oenology

Michael studied Oenology at Roseworthy Agricultural College in South Australia, now part of the University of Adelaide. He graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Oenology (Wine Science) as dux of his year, and returned to the family vineyard and winery in Kumeu to take responsibility for wine production. Since then he has travelled extensively through the world’s wine areas and had the opportunity to spend the 1983 vintage in France.

Based on this experience a new range of wines was developed under the Kumeu River label. In particular, the Chardonnay has enjoyed critical acclaim and success in international markets. Two new single vineyard Chardonnays were released in 2007, and exciting developments have been taking place with Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris from Kumeu.

In 1989 Michael passed the Examination and became New Zealand’s first member of the Institute of Masters of Wine, London. He has many years experience in judging at the Air New Zealand Wine Awards, and at several Australian Capital City Wine Shows.

Michael has been involved with the New Zealand Screwcap Wine Seal Initiative, of which he was Chairman in 2001-2003. He currently sits on the Wine Science Board of Studies for the University of Auckland, and has been collaborating with the University in recent years on a study investigating indigenous yeast fermentations.

 (Southern South Island)

Felton Road Wines
Nigel Greening

A grammar school education was followed by a term at college, before Nigel left to follow the more attractive route of blues guitarist. A singular lack of success led to an early career in printing, before starting a design company in the early 70’s. A spell doing special effects and presentations predated the establishment of an agency: Park Avenue, in 1979.

Park Avenue became established as one of the world’s leading presentations and production companies, over the following 20 years, a period where Nigel divided his time between working on international brand marketing for clients such as BMW, Porsche and British Airways, directing film projects with the occasional effects and engineering projects, such as dark rides (Disney, General Motors, The Millennium Dome), Expo Pavillions and global car launches.

Nigel first visited Central Otago in 1996, living there for a year in 1998-9 while working for BMW. During that time he acquired a taste for the newly released first vintage of Felton Road (1997), and purchased his own vineyard land at Cornish Point in Bannockburn. He purchased Felton Road in 2000 following the retirement of Stuart Elms, the founder.

Married (Kharis) with 3 children (Nicola, 41; Hamish, 11; Lara, 9) he lives in Wanaka NZ. Past-times are cooking (he is executive chef at the nefarious “Panini Noir” Restaurant at Felton Road), fly fishing, Jazz Guitar and Burgundy.

(Southern tip of North Island)

Palliser Estate Wines

Pip Goodwin,
Associate Winemaker,           

Pip describes her winemaking job as being her dream job.  She used to be an accountant/management consultant.  That was not her dream job!  After working vintages in New Zealand and the United States and completing her Postgraduate Diploma at Lincoln, Pip joined Palliser in 2004.

Pip works alongside Allan Johnson, Chief Winemaker, in the winemaking process but also has the responsibility of being the Environmental Manager.  She was the driver behind Palliser being the first winery in the world to be CEMARS certified (Certified Emissions Measurement and Reduction Scheme).

In her spare time, Pip enjoys hanging out with her two small children and, time permitting, playing sport or walking the naughtiest dog in town – time isn’t often permitting!

(Southern Tip of North Island)

Neudorf Vineyards

Judy Finn

Judy and Tim Finn, circa '78
1978  and the New Zealand fine wine industry was almost non existent. We (Tim and I) were fresh from the “back to the land” movement of the late sixties. We wanted to make beautiful wine. We figured Tim’s masters in Animal Behaviour along with my unimpressive journalism career would be beneficial. Wrong.  However we did have youth (temporary), self belief (unwarranted) and friends.  At one stage we had four mortgages and three jobs each. The old house at Neudorf had electricity in two rooms, an outside long drop, an inefficient wood stove and no hot water. I look back with no regrets.
Because there was so little known about basic viticulture in New Zealand we planted many varieties to see which ones were best suited to our soils. Merlot came and went as did Cabernet Sauvignon, Chenin Blanc and the dreaded Muller Thurgau. We were a  bit hasty in rejecting Gewürztraminer and may look at that again.

But we did it. We, and a whole heap of people – neighbours, family, friends and some fantastic staff. Each left a mark and many have gone onto work in  bigger wineries or plant their own vineyard. Today 31 years  later and we never  feel we have it all sorted. But we love it and we are still learning, not just about viticulture and wine-making but  exporting, currency exchange, the internet, human resource issues, distribution, yeasts and barrels, clones and crop levels.

Very few misgivings. Making wine is constantly scary and stimulating. We survive on hard work, high hopes and a dollop of common-sense and cunning.

Campaign Manager, Janet Pouchet

Janet Pouchot, with over a decade in the wine business, having held positions such as sommelier for Restaurant Daniel, US Brand Development Manager for Peter Lehman Wines and Sales Manager for Negociants USA.  She is ambassador, campaign manager and sales opportunity creator for the wines of Complexity

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